
The work of PASE relies solely on the generosity of its supporters. Your donation will help us bring the restoration of Christ to those affected by abortion, challenge society about this issue and raise up men and women to share the truth about these effects of abortion on their lives. We could not do this life-changing work without you.

Please consider giving a regular monthly amount, as it is the best way to help us with our forward planning.

Our preferred method is for you to give via standing order (or bank transfer), which you can set up through online banking using the details below. Alternatively, you can give via card payment using the form on this page.

Method 1: Standing Order (Preferred)

Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR UK)

NatWest Bank

Sort Code: 60-24-31

Account No: 1271 0466

Reference: "PASE Monthly" or "PASE OneOff"

Please let us know by emailing [email protected] if you set up a donation this way so that we can confirm receipt and thank you for your wonderful support.

Method 2: